

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

video of lyla saying and signing the animal alphabet

Throughout the year I would ask Lyla what she was doing/learning at preschool and didn't get much of a response.  I knew she was learning sounds/actions to letters but she would usually just do a few and then say she forgot the rest.  At the end of the year, she surprised me by telling me she wanted to do them all for me.  I ran and got the camera in case I couldnt get her to do it again!  She has a cold and is doing the baby voice thing, I think because she is a little embarassed because she knows I am taping...but hey, she makes it through the whole alphabet!

Lyla's Birthday

#3 Birthday weekend

We met Matt's family in KC and celebrated Lyla and Blake's birthday since their birthdays are on the same day.  We got to meet Bethany's family and go to Science City and the Children's Museum which was alot of fun. Bethany is Matt's brother Joel's fiance.  We stayed with Nate and Ang and had alot of fun with them as well.  A very late thank you to them for their hospitality!
It was a busy weekend, and then the following Monday I brought snacks to Lyla's preschool class to celebrate her birthday, and we met my parents and Grandma at Chuckie Cheese.

Building a house at the children's museum

This could be the worst picture I have of the Schroeder clan.  Hey,  at least Blake is smiling.

The girls REALLY liked the water table at Science City.

Love that Blake

Ang made muffins for the kids on Lyla's birthday.  Yum!

More fun with water tables.  This time at the children's museum.
Preschool party!

Sharing favorite books, toys, and pictures of family

Chuckie Cheese!

Art Fair

#2 Art Fair

The kids had an art fair at school that we got to walk through and see things they had made throughout the year.

Hot Dog Supper!

She ran up to give Mrs. Lisa a big hug when she saw her.  Mrs. Lisa was a really good fit for Lyla this year. 
Thank you Mrs. Lisa for being a great teacher!

She made this with my parents on grandparents day.   She said it was "a house for a foot."

Lyla on the left is a self portrait in the fall.  On the right was done in the spring.    She may think she has shrunk.

Preschool Programs

Trying to catch up on some past events....

#1: Preschool programs
We learned from Lyla's Christmas program that she does NOT like performing or even being in front of an audience.  I don't think she opened her mouth once during that program.  She had the same somber look during her spring program, but as you will see she did sing a little this time.  No smile though, and her face is definitely not showing happy!
Funny story.  She happen to be front and center for this program, and she often will pick her nose when she is nervous.  Sure enough, during the first song there was Lyla with her finger up her nose.  THANKFULLY, she did not lift up her dress up at all during the program, which she also often does when she gets nervous. See, when I got home after the program I saw her going to the bathroom and noticed she didn't have any underwear on underneath her dress. When I asked her about it she just said, "I forgot."

Lincoln's program and friends:

The picture is not good but he is actually quite the performer.   I hope he keeps it up, although he told me  he didn't like practicing for the program because "it takes too long and I have to sing really loud."  He didn't ever look like he didn't enjoy singing loud to me!

The friend to his left is going to the same Kindergarten as him.  I am so thankful because they got to be really good friends this year.

Thanks Ms. Caroline for all your hard work! Lincoln had a great year!

Baby Emmit

OK, this post is LONG overdue but I am just starting to catch up on things!  Emmit was born on June 6th at 12:31 p.m.  I was figuring an 81/2 pound baby since he was a week early and Lincoln was almost 9 1/2 at 40 weeks.  Nope, he was 91/2.  So far he has been a very good baby and the only time we really hear from him is when he is hungry.  The kids are good with him and get a kick out of watching me change his diaper because he almost always pees or poops while I am changing him.  The conversation will often be: Lyla: "ooh yuck, Lincoln Emmit just pooped all over, come look!" or vice versa.
The nursing thing has also been an interesting new thing for them.  Lincoln has of course had some questions about it, and Lyla has asked, "is he done sucking on you yet?"
I don't have enough room or time to post the many many pictures I have taken but here are some favorites:

Happy Father's Day to a GREAT Daddy!
Celebrating Father's Day and Grandpa Doug's Birthday!

The sleeping pose

Lincoln getting Gp Ed to smile!

I hope I look this good when I am 92!  Love that Grandma Doris.

It's pretty easy to keep him entertained with these two around.

Lincoln took this pic for me.  Had to capture the moment!