

Friday, November 2, 2012

Pumpkin Patch and Halloween

Lyla seemed to like the tricycles quite a bit this year. Lincoln was not interested in them at all.  I was thinking this was about our third year of going to the pumpkin patch, and the first time that we could did not have to help anyone on anything. I think last year I was still pushing Lyla on the tricycle, and helping her go down the slide.  This year she insisted on doing everything by herself, even the slide. It's a pretty big slide, even walking up to it is tricky because you have to walk up a big hill to get to it.  She wanted to walk up to it by herself and go down by herself.   After she got turned upside down going down one time, she told me she wanted to go with her next time.


You can't see his expression but he looked pretty terrified.  First year doing this by himself.


Lincoln's consistent favorite from year to year.  That kid loves mazes so a live one is  right up his ally.  Lyla and I  opted out when he wanted to do it again...

racing down the slide

riding out to the pumpkin patch

Almost to the 4 ft mark.  I have noticed at 4 ft a whole new world opens up. You can go down the slide at the Y, and lots of amusement park rides require you to be at least 4 ft

painting pumpkins

Batman and a Cat!

I dressed up as Dorothy that day at school.  I randomly found the costume at a garage last last summer.  Most of the kids at school knew who I was but alot of the younger ones were guessing Alice from Alice in Wonderland.

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