

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Momma, Dadda, Bubba, Wywa

Lyla likes to to help me unload the dishes.  She takes them out and puts them on the counter. As she pulls one out she will say, "momma," then will pull another out saying, "Dadda," then "Bubba," and "Wywa," ect.

She is in her underwear, "undies" (found out she does not like me calling them panties), because we were working on potty training that day!  We worked on that for 3 days while Lincoln was gone, during which I pretty much never really left her side!  By the end of the week I got brave enough to let her play by herself, and she does pretty well now as long as I remember to take her.  She is pretty willing to try because she is very motivated by the raisin (for trying) and cookie bite (for success)!

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