

Monday, July 22, 2013

4th of July

We couldn't do firecrackers in Bel Aire before the 4th, so a couple days before we went and did some in Park City, which is only a few miles from out house.

We bought a van!  Just in time for the trip to NE to visit Gp Ed and Gm Pam.  It has been so nice and I can't imagine not having it now!
We had fun riding- even I did it this time!

Visiting Great-Grandma.  Hope you are reading this blog Deloris!  Matt spent some time helping her with the computer while we were there so hope she can!

Lyla has come along way with all the cats.  She used to be kind of scared of them but now she seems to really love them.  Those rain boots she is wearing are probably her favorite shoes.  She wears them all the time!  Those and flip flops because they go on and off so easy probably!

Shooting tanks and seeing who "won."  I didn't get it, they all looked the same to me. LOL
Grandma is a great cuddler.

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