

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Tofteland Christmas

We had the Tofteland Christmas on Monday Dec. 27th. It was a fun day, and so great to see my sister Noelle and family.  They live in KY so we get to see them a couple times a year.  The kids had alot of fun together, and it is always hilarious watching them all.  My sister is a good writer and summed up the day perfectly in an e-mail she sent us.  Here is a copy of what she wrote: (hope you don't mind Noelle:)

CALEB (Mr. Enthusiastic)
-Let's not forget the prayers he blessed us with and specifically, "Thank you God for my Christmas presents."
-Irelyn was hogging the pretend kitchen and Caleb sweetly told her, "it's ok honey, I can play too!"
-Upon opening his red cowboy hat, "Yee-Haw!"
-Before leaving he picked up Irelyn's hair bow, brought it to Irelyn and I and said, "I want you to put this in her hair because I like this in her hair."
LINCOLN (Mr. Excellence)
-Grandma, Lincoln, Irelyn and Lyla were all playing Candy Land and Lyla's gingerbread man made it to the end first but she had already retired herself to something different. Lincoln said, "Lyla can't win, she's not even here!" Grandma Brenda said "oh ok, we'll keep going." The satisfied Lincoln went on to win that game! I have a feeling he likes to strive for excellence.
-Lincoln allowed Irelyn to put both her hands on his face and give him a kiss! She then led him around the kitchen, through the living room and down the stairs still holding his hand.
-He ate all the food on his plate in order to earn more apple salad!
LYLA (Ms. Easy-to-Please)
-Lyla was very happy with simply a plate of food in front of her and mommy in sight! I was amazed watching how gracefully she put food on her spoon and then put the spoon in her mouth!
-Tanya checked Lyla's diaper and Grandma Doris said, "what is mommy doing?" Lyla answered, "poop." (Ok, me writing again...The funny thing about this is that she hadn't pooped, she was just explaining to Grandma that I was checking to see if she had!)
-Lyla seemed to be very good at keeping herself content by joining in on what was being played with. Irelyn isn't so good at this and when Lyla joined in to play the piano Irelyn layed herself across the keys and got herself in trouble!
-During cousin pictures Lyla and Abby held hands.
ABBY (Ms. Energizer Bunny)
-I couldn't get over how fast she came in and out of the room! One minute she was there, the next second she was gone!
-Nate was calling for her at the top of the stairs and Abby came running up behind him with a big smile on her face like she was saying, "here I am daddy!"
-One time I found her dragging the giant baby doll up the stairs and thankfully she let me help her finish the job!
-Does this girl ever sit still? She wore a proud grin when she stood on top of the stool like a big girl and falling over never did phase her!
IRELYN (Ms. Entertainer)
-Irelyn relentlessly told Grandma, "watch me."
-She also told Nate quite a story about her Christmas presents and mimicked what mommy did when she opened hers, "awwww."
-Everytime I showed Irelyn an ornament with a picture on it she said, "how pretty they are!"
-When she thinks she's the center of attention and feels comfortable, watch out! Grandpa was about holding his ears when she ran circles around him singing, jumping, dancing, squealing and shouting anything that came in her head!
-You can't sneak being tired past this little girl. Matt yawned and Irelyn asked, "tired?"

Had to take a picture before I scolded them.

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