

Sunday, September 22, 2013

I don't know what to call these.  Overstimulation?

video of Emmit and Lyla talking

Emmit, Preschool, and Birthdays

This is how we often find Emmit these days.  He is pretty quick to spit out the pacifier and find his thumb!

Lyla's preschool

Lyla does a great job of talking to Emmit.  Going to post a video of it.

Lincoln giving a card to Emmit.  He will often say, "I am making a card for my favorite person."

Lincoln had 6 friends from his school come for his birthday party.  It was pretty wild around here!

Birthday take 2!  Lincoln also got to have his cousin's over lat that night for another birthday.  We sort of spoiled him rotten!   We thought it was important for him to have friends over since it was his first year at school, but he couldn't let the cousin sleepover idea go (he did this last year).  We caved and let him do both.  That's what you call bad parenting.:)  Yes, we were exhausted at the end of all the craziness...but it was alot of FUN!

Bo really liked the flashlight.

This is not the night before as you would think, but in the MORNING!  Apparently the kids were up at 5:30??  Matt told them they could get up at 6:00 so thats when they came barreling in the house.  I couldn't believe how much energy they all had! Here they are using  the new toy bug zapper and searching for bugs.  I think they were looking at a map someone drew too.

Examining their findings.  

Brock told me he saw a bug above my cupboards and climbed up and zapped it for me. 

Playing with all the new toys!  They all seemed to get along really well and had alot of fun!

Lyla and Lincoln get to play on the same team this fall.  This is Lylas first time playing.

Playing "party" with Emmit.  "party" or "sleepover" means piling up toys and blankets!

Granda Brenda's birthday.  A rare fuss from Emmit.  Seriously, he hardly ever cries!It was a big one though- I think he was mad because the restaurant was so loud we didn't hear him crying in his stoller! Poor guy!

Celebrating Lincoln's birthday at school

First time I noticed him smiling at himself in the mirror
Crazy but he can worm his way off the blanket already, and also flip over.  Lyla and Lincoln didnt move until they were like 9 months, I think Lyla not until 10!  He seems to really enjoy being on the floor, tolerates the bouncy, highchair, swing, but will stay on the floor a very long time!

More August: School and Irelyn's party

Lincoln's first day of Kindergarten.  While we were walking he said to me, "mommy I'm a little nervous."  When I picked him up he said, "mommy I had fun!"  

I am not gonna like, this was hard for me.  It doesn't seem bad now, but it took awhile for Lyla and me to get used to it!  I am glad he seems to like it, and has some really great friends in in his class.  

Cousin Irelyn's 5th birthday.  My sister makes amazing birthday cakes!

It was fun to swim in the pool at the party, and it was what inspired my marathon researching of above ground pools.:)  I also seem to develop tunnel vision when I have a new "project." 

My dad told me to hold him to the side so he didn't look so big.  Dad, I don't think it worked. LOL

2 months later! Vacation and Uncle Joel's Wedding

Yes, it has been 2 whole months since I blogged!!!   I can't believe how time has flown once again.  In my defense, I started a new job beginning of August, and if you don't already know this about me, I tend to get tunnel vision with these things like this.:)  I am loving teaching 6th grade choir, and feeling much better now that I know school procedures and student names.  Also knowing that I have students prepared to sing for a concert this Thursday in the park is a big relief!  Not surprisingly, the worst part about the job is that it breaks up my day, and I already had a bad attitude about carting kids to school and back so now I am also adding in carting myself.  It is worth it for me though, because I do enjoy it!

Some recap of August:
Vacation at Lake of the Ozarks
Exploring the room

We swam in the pool more then the lake!

Emmit happily watched the action from the stroller

Mat took the kids and then I did.  Would love to own one of these one day!

Eating at a restaurant along the lake.  Yummy grilled chicken!

These fish were HUGE!  They had fish food in the restaurant that you could get and then go out and feed the fish. 

This brought back memories from when I went to Pelican Lake in MN when I was kid.  I used to get these at the candy store there, and have not seen them since then!

The indoor pool at the resort.  It was great to have options when it rained! I had to convince Lincoln to use the outside one after we saw this one.  He is sort of an all around indoor boy.  Wonder where he gets that from?:) Hint: NOT ME!

Lyla playing with sand toys while Lincoln and Matt and I played volleyball.

Swimming in the lake.  We went fishing earlier, and while we were swimming Lyla figured out that since there was fish in the lake when we fished, there was fish in the lake while we swam.  She seemed a little unsettled with this idea!

Joel and Bethany's Wedding in Kansas City:

Rehearsal! I think the kids were taking goofy pics with Uncle Zeb here.

Aunt Stephany lovin on Emmit

All the nephews/nieces walked in before Bethany.  The girls had bubbles and the boys had basketballs.  Bethany's niece was in a pink wagon - it was really adorable! 

swimming at the hotel pool

Steph did Lyla and Brooklyn's hair- super cute!

Love how Brooklyn is posing here

Pathetic I know but this is the best pic I got of the bride and groom!  I guess I was figuring I would order some later! Bethany was a beautiful bride!