

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Singing in church

The kids sang in church last Sunday.  They sang for all 3 services, and this first time that I got on tape was definitely Lyla's best.  The other two times I don't think she sang at all, and the 3rd time she spent most the time staring at the kid's around her. Lincoln is on the top riser to the farthest left, and Lyla is on the right on the second riser.                                                                                                                                                                                        


We had Thanksgiving at mom and dad's this year.  Nate and Ang went to Florida for their 10th anniversary, so it was mom and dad, our family, and Caleb, Abby, and Ethan.  I had fun feeding Ethan in the high chair and carrying him around.  Ang, I think we spoiled him a little- sorry!  We just couldn't let that cutie cry!  Uncle Matt tried to watch him in the basement a couple times, but each time he wouldn't stand for it.  Guess him and Uncle Matt will need some more bonding time.:)

Beautiful Nails!

Grandma and Ethan

Matt teaching Lincoln and Caleb settlers. They did pretty well with this, and stuck with it the whole game.
Contemplating the next move

Black Friday shopping with mommy!  We went around 9 Friday morning and spent most the morning at Kohls.  This is at the mall standing in front of Santa